This week Elton is joined by Andy Poulastides and Lee Harvey to take a very un-scientific look through The Solar System. Be warned this episode is not meant to be full of hard hitting facts that will blow your mind, there are plenty of other shows out there which do that (If you’d like to be pointed in the right direction, jump on the Facebook group and ask), this is just three guys who love to talk about this stuff and make Uranus jokes.
There ARE mistakes but that’s what Shonky Lab is about. Thanks for understanding.
Please check Andy out on Space Dock Jury & Grand Prix Podcast
If you would like to be a part of the show in the future please drop by the Shonky Lab Facebook Page to keep an eye out for the recording schedule, the LIVE shows are recorded over at
If you want to call in during the show then please Skype – eltonmcmanus
Shonky Lab is a proud member of RogueTwoMedia
We also encourage you to check out the ever talented Mr Danny Davies and his amazing art.
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