This week Scott and Elton begin a (Season 6 Spoiler Free!) rethinking of characters who have died on LOST.
In the first of a multiple part study, we use the IMDB cast page for LOST and look at who’s died, how they died, and how significant their characters were. There’s no particular order, we just take them as we find them. Part 1 has us looking at the pilot of 815 (Greg Grunberg again!), the marshall, Sun’s love interest, and Montand (among others).
We also take a moment to respond to an audio comment from Anthony (aka @oriSTUDFARM), co-host of the Scutter Cast. If you’re a fan of Red Dwarf – Scutter Cast is where you should be.
As always, we are striving to present you a Season 6 Spoiler-free podcast. We do not refer to or make use of anything from Comic-con.
Talk to us:
- email: rethinkinglost at gmail.com
- Twitter (Elton): eltonmcmanus
- Twitter (Scott): shc1970
- Our other podcast: An Apotheosis of a Bombast
Bedding music can be found @ http://incompetech.com