Support The Show

Here at Rogue Two Media we love that you download the podcasts and enjoy the shows we produce. We do it for free and until a TV or Radio station come-a-knocking, it’ll continue that way.

But there are a number of ways you can support the show…..

Rate & Review

You can visit the iTunes pages of each show, or whichever pod catcher software you use, and write us a review and rate us.

itunesScribbleLogoEvery rate and review bumps us up a magical ladder so more people can find us and join in with the show.

Listen Live

Whenever there is a recording happening you should be able to listen live. The LIVE shows are hosted on Mixlr and have their own chat room so you can join in with the banter. If you feel so inclined you can also call-in to the show and express your thoughts on the subject at hand. Please head over to the Mixlr page to join in.


Chat With Us

Speaking of joining in, the Shonky Lab has a Facebook group where you are encouraged to join in with your views, topics, news stories and general banter.


Help Us Pay The Bills

You can purchase a Shonkette T-shirt for that special person…


They are available in many different shapes, styles and colours.

Of course there’s a Patreon page which will keep the site and podcasts rolling.


And finally there is a Shonky Lab Wish List on Amazon. Bits for the Lab break sometimes. A wire will start crackling or we may need a new pop guard, we’ll be sticking them up here if you ever fancy helping out.


Many thanks for your time and interest.