Shonky Lab is a topic based talk show where you, the listener, get to join in and have your say. If you wish to join in there are a few ways…

1) You can email and recommend a topic. Do this and KABLAMO! you’re on a whole episode.

2) The shows are now LIVE on Mixlr, you know like Saturday morning TV used to be. During the show Skype is open and you’re free to call in at any point, whether it’s about the topic at hand or something completely different. It’s up to you. Skype – eltonmcmanus

3) With the shows being broadcast LIVE at Mixlr you can join in with the chat room that is available. Anyway, hope to see you there.

All Episodes

Cinema Experience

Elton is joined by Darren to discuss Cinema Experiences We hope...

Nuclear War

Elton is joined by Lee and Hannah to discuss the subject...

The Pasts Future

Elton and Scott discuss what the 2020’s will be like from...

Sjöberg’s Lists

Elton is joined by Scott to run through a couple of...

Star Wars Chat

Elton is joined Scott to discuss the recent-ish Star Wars tv...


Elton is joined Jim, Lee and Andy to discuss the avant-garde...

A.I. Bots

Elton is joined by the long lost Scott Copperman to discuss...


Elton is joined by Ol and Lee to shout, scream, back...

Imposter Syndrome

Elton is joined by Eddie from to talk about Imposter Syndrome...


Monster episode warning!!!! Elton is joined by Lee as we discuss...


Slip in to some comfy stocks, pop in your favourite Spanish...

Streaming Services

Elton is joined by Darren to Netflix & Chill.  No……. hang...