Shonky Lab 06.03 – Bucket Lists

ShonkyLabLogo300x300This week Pete and Elton talk about their personal bucket lists.

How were their weeks? Well Pete went all posh on us and went to the theatre with his wife, Odile (Sending a wave – A Firefly podcast) and her husband.

Elton spent a week in a caravan and got far to excited playing bingo.

In News…

1. Shoe poison ‘murder attempt’ in Japan

Read more:

2. Christie Dawn Harris Arrested, Police Find Loaded Gun Hidden Inside Her Vagina & Bags of Meth Between Her Buttocks

3. Brazilian pastor tells flock that penis contained ‘holy milk’

I’ve also just found this site…

4. In Zimbabwe, a prostitute died during sex “resurrects” in a coffin

  1. Police Shoot Aggressive Cow…
  2. Chinese gamer spends six years in internet cafe…


And onto the Bucket lists.


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