This week on the Shonky Lab, Pete & Elton are joined by Darren and Laura for a festive episode of fun, Christmas songs and inappropriate impressions.
There are so many Christmas songs to choose from so we’re sure that many of the favorites were missed, but hey….. it’s a Shonky Lab.
Now for a little warning…… This show is done for entertainment. It’s a show. So with that being said, Elton had a stumble of words eairly on in the podcast and it was picked up and run with, as you might expect. This ‘running’ with the little faux par is what happens when friends get together and someone, sometimes, trips up on their own tongue.
It is not meant to offend anyone. If it does offend you then please email and we can go through what is and isn’t offencive. Warning over.
If you do enjoy the how then please think about joining the Facebook group. It’s fun and stuff.
Royalty free music can be found at