Elton is joined by Andy Poulastides and Darren Barnard as they talk all things CosPlay.
Please do visit Andy’s Facebook Page It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time, it’s bloody good.
Also Darren can be found hosting The Black Dog Podcast which can be found on Facebook, iTunes and other podcasting establishments.
Shonky Lab is a proud member of the ROGUE TWO PODCAST NETWORK
Please drop by roguetwo.com and check out other great shows like The Question Podcast, The Witless for the Defence, Hypnobobs & Grand Prix Podcast.
Also please visit Incompetech.com for free royalty free music.
Since the last full episode a year ago things have changed. Shonky Lab is your show, you get to join in, have your say on any topic you wish. If you wish to join in there are a few ways…
1) You can email shonkylab@gmail.com and recommend a topic. Do this and BAM you’re on a whole episode.
2) The shows are now LIVE on Mixlr, you know, like Saturday morning TV used to be. During the show Skype is open and you’re free to call in at any point, whether it’s about the topic in hand or something completely different. It’s up to you.
Skype – eltonmcmanus
3) With the shows being broadcast LIVE at Mixlr you can join in with the chat room that is available.
Any way, hope to see you there.